PS Institute

At the Project Success Institute, students engage in certificates and pathways that build critical life and career skills that enrich one’s independence. Learning new skills gives students a jumpstart into the world of working and being.  

Certificates are currently offered to all Project Success high school students. Browse the descriptions below, then use the link to register for any (or all!) opportunities that interest you. All programming is FREE, with transportation available and snacks served each session! Come join a community of students from across the Twin Cities at the PS Institute. 

All programs take place at the Project Success Institute:

Once registration for the semester is live, you can register at any time, even after the course you’re interested in has started. See below for specific course opportunities.

Check back in the Fall for program updates! 

Questions? Contact Institute Program Manager Emily Vang at

Institute Certificates

Creative Writing Workshops (in partnership with The Loft Literary Center) 
for High School students

High school writers, join our free winter writing classes with The Loft Literary Center! Unleash your creativity, connect with fellow writers, and build a community around your stories in just four weeks! Students can sign up for the whole 8-week program on Mondays or register for just one writing workshop of your choice! Learn More

Bike Tech Lab Certificate (in partnership with Quality Bicycle Products’ Break the Cycle program)
for High School students
During each two-hour Bicycle Tech Lab, students will learn to maintain their bicycles from a Bike Professor trained by Quality Bicycle Products’ Break the Cycle program. Students who attend all six sessions will be eligible to apply for the Quality Bicycle Products Mechanics Scholarship and will receive free professional training that will provide opportunities to join the cycling industry. Learn More

Money Management Certificates
for High School students

Students can sign up for the whole 10-week program on Tuesdays or for mini-certificates made up of 3-4 classes:

Income & Taxes Mini-Certificate

Learn about different types of income, read paychecks, navigate taxation, and carefully analyze the fairness and equity of financial systems.

Banking, Credit & Budgeting Certificate

Learn about banking, credit management, and budgeting to achieve your financial goals, while exploring justice and equality in financial systems.

Planning for Your Future Certificate

Explore strategies for affordable education, housing choices, insurance coverage, and investment options to shape a successful future for you, your loved ones, and your community.

Coding Certificate
for High School students

Work with professional programmers to learn the basics of computer coding, including the beginning steps of CoffeeScript, JavaScript, and Python coding languages. Recommended for beginners, but all are welcome. Learn More

Girls With Impact hosted by the Project Success Institute
for female-identifying High School students

Throughout the course, you will create a business or non-profit, a vision and mission for your idea, and a powerful pitch presentation. Whether you already have a business idea or will use the class for inspiration, this course will guide you through making your idea a reality. Students will receive a personal laptop for participation in this course! Graduation for Spring 2024 will be on June 27 from 6-7 PM. Learn More

Baking Certificate
for High School students

Unleash your creativity in the kitchen as you explore a diverse array of delectable recipes and hone your baking skills, crafting delightful treats each week. NOTE: students have been requesting this certificate for years, so it will fill up quickly! Learn More

Cooking Certificate
for High School students

Become a better home cook in this class, which will explore moist and dry heat, seasoning, and explore the roots of cooking styles across the world. Great for beginners and more experienced cooks. Our new format for cooking/baking class has room for inspiration and creativity.  Every other week, guest chefs/bakers inspire; on alternate weeks, you innovate in our Cooking Lab. Explore your culinary creativity in our dynamic Cooking Certificate program! Learn More