Coding Certificate

During each two-hour meeting of the Coding Certificate class, students will work with professional programmers to learn the basics of computer coding, including the beginning steps of CoffeeScript, JavaScript and Python coding languages. This course is recommended for beginners, but all are welcome. 

Who can register?

For High School students enrolled in Project Success partner schools. 

Is any of this true about you? 
  • You enjoy solving problems and like computers 
  • You want to explore careers that involve coding 
  • You want to gain connections within the Twin Cities programming community 
  • You have spent some time learning to code before OR you have never done any coding 
  • You want to help to bring coding and tech careers to a more diverse group of people.  

If so, Coding Certificate is a great fit for you!

Topics covered during a typical trimester:

Careers available in the tech industry 

Fundamentals of code

Functions, parameters, loops (for-loops & until-loops), conditionals, arrays, variables

A wide variety of coding-related topics

Game development, cybersecurity, app design

Coding Certificate 
Check back in the Fall for updates!

Questions? Contact Institute Program Manager Emily Vang at

All classes held at: 

Project Success
1 Groveland Terrace
Minneapolis, MN 55403

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