Project Success partners with The Loppet Foundation at Theodore Wirth Regional Park to host Winter Adventure Day for middle school students, families and staff at Anwatin, Franklin, Northeast, Olson, Ella Baker, and MPS online middle schools! Look below for shuttle bus timing and stops! This is a day dedicated to enjoying all that the beautiful winters here in Minnesota have to offer! Activities include: Snow Tubing Cross Country Skiing Snowshoe Orienteering Outdoor Games S’mores by the fire Hot Chocolate &…

St. Olaf College OR Carleton College Tour (MEA Break)
8:30 am - 5:15 pm
Choose your own Northfield adventure! Explore either Carleton or St. Olaf College and enjoy a Project Success workshop, admissions & financial aid presentation, tour of campus, lunch, and time to explore the Northfield main street area.
PLEASE NOTE: All tours start at the Project Success office located at 1 Groveland Terrace, Minneapolis, MN 55403. If needed, shuttle buses are provided from various locations to get to the Project Success office. To view shuttle bus times and locations click here.